How we BLEW £100k on Advertising in ONE Day

How we BLEW £100k on Advertising in ONE Day

Anyone you speak to that has been on the epic quest of making a video game will tell you that the marketing is by far the most difficult part of that journey. Embarking into game development for the very first time and with no existing user community waiting for our...

The Making of The Rogue Apprentice – The Documentary

The Making of The Rogue Apprentice – The Documentary

The story is set in Victorian London, the team worked remotely, from across the globe, the mission was to make a an original Virtual Reality adventure from storyboard to completion. This documentary from the team at GamestormVR highlights their process, the challenges...

Mixed Reality Test

Mixed Reality Test

Test for process of mixed reality, perspective not quite correct in this first test, full process will follow soon after further tests.

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